Omg hiiii
After months I finally finished my first short film. It’s 1 min 24 seconds but still counts. I started this back in August and was able to chip away at it while also taking hella breaks doing it. I knew this was gonna take a minute but damn.
It rly started when I realized how much i dissociate from life. It was when a friend told me our fav memory and i just didn’t remember it happening. It was act crazy and haunts me still cuz like omg wtf that memory was fire and I don’t even remember being there. I’ve seen so much war, have racked up so many daily tasks, and set up so many plans that it’s hard to stay in the moment. And as this was a huge part of my current life I wanted to address it w a larger piece. So I made a short film. I wanted to show how I see people, where my head goes mid conversations, and how it feels to give space to ppl in my mind and focus on them.
I think that as this was a bigger feeling I’m very happy I could create a larger piece for it. Back when I was wood carving I was able to really feel out what I thought on an aspect of me while making the pieces. I can’t really feel out emotions while working on a shorter 5-10 second animation, so I never really tried to. I feel comfy talking about political issues in the shorts cuz I only have one thing to say usually, and some nuances pop up in the creation of the short pieces. I don’t really want people to sit and wonder what’s going on, but have more direct feelings of “I agree” or “I disagree”. But with this short film I was able to express emotions and give ppl the options of feeling things with the pieces too - and to have this piece be much more conversational vs objective.
The mental stamina of this was rough tho. There were def high moments, especially when sculpting the birds in the head. But making the moving faces and the bird and chair/person at the end was brutal. Each took several days, and having everything be consistent while constantly stepping away from the pieces were rough. I love finishing projects and these middle steps kept getting longer each time. I usually j have YouTube videos playing in the background but idk if I can listen to another horoscope or art video for a minute now😭 the long projects pay off but holy hell it can get boring.
I’ve been thinking of how to get my art out into the world more. I haven’t gotten into making physicals again yet, and NFTs are slow currently. Hopefully I can monetize tiktok by the end of the year. The handhelds have been great, but i want to build a CV now. A friend posted about a film festival, and i thought this would be perfect. Some are paid, but I’m looking at the exposure it can get. That seal of approval from more official shows can hopefully give me a new type of client looking for these short films. And this is a good way for me to make elevate my art without actively making art. I only have to make a few short films and I can send them anywhere rly. I’ve been applying to places using and that has been a really easy process.
I’ve been deciding and re-deciding how to build my art practice. I don’t think I’ll woodwork in the near future. I do want to sculpt again, but I think I won’t have any serious sculptures this year. I’m trying to find the current path of least resistance. The best way to put my messages out there. Something I have time to do, and something i have energy to create. And how much energy I can put into advertising. Lord I hate advertising fr like I feel so silly but it pays off quite literally. Alas, artists role is never easy.
Alas, I realized I shouldve sent this last week,
ps. im in the trenches rn but the trenches never last
pss. the escape from the trenches involves me getting back to routines fr - ive been rly socially open cuz i rly like meeting ppl + dont want to redo utah, but its time to get back to me
piss. i hit 2k followers on tiktok that was kinda fire fr. I’ll hit 10k by the end of the year i j gotta go viral back to back but thats easy fr.

I also wanna update my website but this is it for now fr