Seeing mutilation, disintegration, destruction, and despair has done nothing but made me hurt. I’m hurt for Palestine and Lebanon. I’m hurt for humanity. I’ve lost so much but gained so much more.
People who supported me daily have vanished since I posted this. Ppl I rly looked up to and enjoyed their practice. But I feel so much stronger in the new and old connections I’ve made on speaking up for Palestine. For Sudan. For all displaced ppls. I get called a terrorist. I get called Ham@s. I get called antisemite. I get called f*g. And I still live. I’m disgusted by the US but I’m grateful to not be a victim of it. I get the privilege of creation and a platform. I get food, a roof, water, purpose, and people in my life.
The days have only gotten darker. I’ve seen weapons from scifi used in real time to mutilate children. Journalists massacred. Families killed for bread. I don’t even know how to comprehend ppl my age getting killed. We share the same faces, but only luck put me in a safe place. But in the darkness, a light blooms brighter. I see people act. I’ve been to protests which bind every community together. I’ve seen Palestinians celebrate their lives and cultures while seeing terror at the same time. I’ve seen Jewish people rise and say “not in our name”.
There’s power in speaking. Unfortunately, I am someone who can only think in the future. I can’t enjoy the present to the fullest no matter how much I try. There have been so many times I could only wait for better times, as the situation at hand felt out of my hands. “This too shall pass” but how much do I have to pass? I’ve had to been a bystander to time in hopes that some divine power will step in, or a contract in my life will come to an end. The first way to address the passage of time is to address what happens in that time.
Speaking is a great tool to say what you want (duh lmao). we can provide criticism for what is happening in our life while also celebrating the blessings that come through. And through words, we can find people who agree and disagree with the sentiments mentioned. In this way, its a tool for social curation - a way to shift the people in our lives to those who can healthily disagree and agree with whats being said, so we can help push each other in the best ways possible. We can see what we want and better define who we are and where we want to go. We can find who wants to see us at our greatest points.
In speaking for Palestine and Sudan, I’ve been able to find people who better align with what I want. And the connections feels much more fulfilling. We can like actually talk about things that we really care about - this is a liberty that I take for granted so much. We can express our thoughts without scrutiny of character, but corrections of how to best think and act for our futures. Its the liberty to stand together. I don’t think its a liberty many in America consider as there is such a loneliness pandemic that people are afraid to find others to best match who they are/want to be. but finding people in your life that don’t speak about what you believe in can be much more isolating (not that instagram would know oop). This is something I learned this past week, shoutout the homies that helped me reach here.
Something I’ve been thinking of is: who’s going to be at my art show? I can only hope that my art is a way to curate the crowd. I went to an art show by David Rappeneau, an artist that illustrates chic and cunty figures serving everything. Theres grit, theres grime, and an aloof gaze in all the figures that just radiates a focus on something that we will never know. You know the figures all have intentions, but we are cursed to not know what they are. And in this show, the same could be said about all the people who were there. The audience was a true reflection of the art, and that is something i want to replicate. While I hope my art can do that, I don’t want to wait to my show to find this crowd. I dont want to let time pass, I want to take control of the things in and out of my life. By speaking in what I believe and saying yes and no to the people I come across, I hope to get the people in my life who can truly want to uplift me as i want to uplift them.
bless yall fr
ps i had some thai food and im fighting for my life rn
pss bruh me and my friends got chased down by a zionist after a protest and got into a verbal squabble but she was holding her dog and that dog was insanely unphased by everything that was happening. Like it wasn’t concerned at all and that told me everything i need to know lmao. it was spooky but also so silly
piss i have so many errands im sick of this constant grind
pisss broke 1k on tiktok and im now at 1120 follows im geeked fr im probs gonna focus my energy there now :D

yall gotta check out this art film by Martha Rosler
bet thats it gnight yall